[Environment Data Analysis] - 1990년~2018년 세계 산림 면적 데이터 분석 & 시각화 with PythonData Analysis/Environment 2021. 6. 12. 16:44
지난 30년 간 지구 산림 면적이 얼마나 변해왔는지 데이터로 분석하도록 하겠다. 데이터는 아래 WorldBank라는 곳에서 가져왔다.
1. 세계 총 산림 면적 추이 1990년 ~ 2018년
import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px data=pd.read_csv('C:/Users/banad/OneDrive/바탕 화면/동앤트/data.csv') country=pd.read_csv('C:/Users/banad/OneDrive/바탕 화면/동앤트/country.csv') df=data.melt(id_vars=['Country Name','Country Code','Indicator Name','Indicator Code'],var_name='Year',value_name='Forest_Area(sq.km)') df=df[~df['Forest_Area(sq.km)'].isnull()] country=country[['Country Code','Region','IncomeGroup']] tb=pd.merge(left=df,right=country,how='left',left_on=df['Country Code'],right_on=country['Country Code']) world=tb[tb['Country Name']=='World'] fig = px.line(world, x="Year", y="Forest_Area(sq.km)", title='1990~2019 World Forest Area') fig.show()
2. 1990년 ~ 2018년 국가별 산림 면적 감소량 Top 10
28년 동안 산림 면적이 가장 감소한 국가로는 코트디부아르, 니카라과, 나이지리아, 감비아 등 빈민국으로 확인할 수 있다.
tb_18=tb[tb['Year']=='2018'][['Country Name','Forest_Area(sq.km)']] tb_90=tb[tb['Year']=='1990'][['Country Name','Forest_Area(sq.km)']] change=pd.merge(left=tb_18,right=tb_90,how='inner',left_on=tb_18['Country Name'],right_on=tb_90['Country Name']) change=change.drop(['Country Name_x','Country Name_y'],axis=1) change.columns=['Country','2018','1990'] change['pct_change']=((change['2018']/change['1990'])-1)*100 change_10=change.sort_values(by='pct_change',ascending=True).head(10) fig = px.bar(change_10, x='Country', y='pct_change',text='pct_change',title='Top 10 pecentage change of Forest Area in last 28 years') fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.2f}%',textposition='outside',) fig.show()
3. 지도 시각화
마지막으로 연도별 산림 면적이 어떻게 변화하는지 지도로 시각화해보도록 하겠다.
tb2=tb[~tb['Country Name'].isin(['World','Upper middle income','Sub-Saharan Africa (IDA & IBRD countries)','South Asia (IDA & IBRD)', 'Middle East & North Africa (IDA & IBRD countries)','Latin America & the Caribbean (IDA & IBRD countries)', 'Europe & Central Asia (IDA & IBRD countries)','East Asia & Pacific (IDA & IBRD countries)', 'Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)','Post-demographic dividend','Pacific island small states', 'Arab World','East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)','Central Europe and the Baltics', 'Early-demographic dividend','Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)','Europe & Central Asia', 'Fragile and conflict affected situations','East Asia & Pacific','Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC)', 'IDA & IBRD total','Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)','Least developed countries: UN classification', 'Late-demographic dividend','Lower middle income','Low income','OECD members','Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)', 'Low & middle income','North America','Latin America & Caribbean','Middle East & North Africa','Middle income', 'Pre-demographic dividend','Sub-Saharan Africa','High income','IBRD only','IDA total','IDA only' ])] tb2['Forest_Area(sq.km)']=tb2['Forest_Area(sq.km)'].astype(float) tb2['Forest'] = ['<=0.1M' if x<=100000 else '<=0.5M' if 100000<x<=500000 else '<=1M' if 500000<x<=1000000 else '<=3M' if 1000000<x<=3000000 else '<=5M' if 3000000<x<=5000000 else '>5M' for x in tb2['Forest_Area(sq.km)']] fig=px.choropleth(tb2, locations = 'Country Code_x', color="Forest", animation_frame="Year", labels={'Forest_Area(sq.km)':'Forest Area'}, category_orders={'Forest':['<=0.1M','<=0.5M','<=1M','<=3M','<=5M','>5M']}, title = 'Forest Area From 1990 - 2018', color_discrete_map={ '<=0.1M':"#6baed6",'<=0.5M':"#57a0ce", '<=1M':"#4292c6",'<=3M': "#3082be",'<=5M':"#2171b5",'>5M':"#1361a9", }, ) fig.update_layout( autosize=False, width=800, height=600, margin=dict( l=50, r=50, b=100, t=100, pad=4 ), template='seaborn', paper_bgcolor="rgb(234, 234, 242)", legend=dict( orientation="v", yanchor="auto", y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1 )) fig.show()
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