강원도 춘천시 지형/토심/경사 Analysis 3d 웹맵 Qgis/Qgisthreejs.jsData Analysis/Environment 2021. 3. 5. 20:08
공공데이터 수치표고모델 (DEM)
수치표고모델(DEM) - 오픈마켓
지형의 고도값을 수치로 저장함으로써 지형의 형상을 나타내는 지도
공공데이터 삼림입지토양도 (1:5000)
산림입지토양도(1:5000) - 오픈마켓
산림경영, 산지관리, 환경영향평가 등에 필요한 입지·토양환경에 대해 작도단위인 토양형을 구획단위로 조사 및 분석한 정보를 대축척화 하여 수치지형도로 나타낸 산림주제도
Qgis 이용한 지형/토심/경사 Analysis 3D 모델
Soil depth and slope can have a significant impact on water availability, soil stability, and plant diversity. It is important to have a general idea about the soil depth before land purchase since low soil depth is more susceptible to soil erosion, compaction, and landslide in case of heavy precipitation. Soil depth also plays a significant role in determining the plant species that can thrive in the land plot (root space), and the ability to contribute to carbon sequestration by giving ample space for the microbial community to grow. Finding land plots that have significant soil depth gives you the flexibility and freedom to program the land that suits your need.
*this map is just for reference
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